Monday, October 22, 2018

Why English is Important for Personality Development

Why English is Important for Personality 


Every person is different from each other because of their way of understanding the style, 
behavior, mentality, attitude and things and seeing the world from their own perspective. 
Diversity of genetic traits, family background, culture and current environment also play an 
important role in shaping someone's personality.
Personality appears in the way you behave  with others. A person with a pleasant personality 
is always respected and appreciated. Effective communication promotes one's personality 
on the language of communication and plays an important role in command, always 
reflects your self-confidence. English is such a language that we all using as a business 
language. English helps individuals express themselves in the most effective way. Your 
thoughts, feelings, and knowledge should be passed in the most desirable way and 
effective communication with English  helps you the same.

English Speaking Course in Chandigarh

A person should be able to speak English really well to make an impression. Always 
remember, if you do not master the art of English language and make your communication,
 smart, better and faster, then no one will take you seriously.
English plays an important role in our lives. English is very important in the modern world. 
But English should continue with Hindi or other regional languages ​​that you prefer.
India is the land of many regional languages ​​in different states.

English is being widely used in official communication.

The termination of the use of English  will adversely affect the way we work in the office. Most 
corporate people know English, but most of them do not know any language other than their 
mother tongue or regional language. Therefore, they communicate with each other in English 
for their daily work. Therefore, if these people are asked to say goodbye to English, then there 
will be anarchy.People with excellent English have a separate postal stamp of their personality
 because it actually helps to get better effect in all sections of life.

English speaking style also has a tremendous effect on your personality. Slowly and with humble 
aapproach helps because it helps you find suitable words and reflects your thinking. English is 
extremely important for influential and great personality, So while talking to other person, keep 
confidence while you talk and take a look. There is no doubt in English that the best language 
for communication, which is the key to your pleasant personality. Today to improve your 
English! The effective command of English will strengthen the bond between people. It also
 helps in improving interpersonal relationships with other people. Choosing carefully words for 
effective communication skills is an important thing. We really should know what you are 
saying. We never know what will harm the person who faces it. Never use abusive words in 
English with anyone.Speaking firmly that one person understands what your intention of 
 communication is. English speaking style also has a tremendous effect on your personality.
 Slowly and with humble approach helps because it helps you find suitable words and reflects 
your thinking.English is very important for effective and great personality, so while speaking 
with other person, keep confidence while you talk and take a look.

Significance of Spoken English for IAS / UPSC aspirants

Although there is no demand for excellence in English, today candidates expect basic and 
correct English communication. Candidates from Hindi speaking areas of India often ignore 
it and either get a lower rank or fail to clear in other English papers. If you are going to 
become a level 1 government officer, your English communication will be very important.
 Tomorrow you can be interviewed by the English news channel or you may have to face 
non-Hindi speaking officers / politicians for meetings. This is where you will face the biggest 
challenge. So preparing yourself for an interview in UPSC or IAS exam is not the only point, 
it is about your career in the future.
"Your personality, public speaking skills and language will be very important in your life. Passing 
the exam is only the first obstacle, the more huddles that we can prepare for  in the later part of
 your career." Seriously preparing for the IAS exam this year and there is a lack of adequate 
English speaking and writing skills, it is recommended that you take a parallel  
English speaking course in Chandigarh.

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