Thursday, February 28, 2019

Which Skills Do You Need to Improve

Which Skills Do You Need to Improve

When you decide to start studying English on your own, it can be very difficult to know what to focus on
 to help you keep improving. This guide will help you create a study plan to organize and prioritize the 
skills you want to improve so you can learn faster than learning in a classroom!
It can be overwhelming to try to improve all your skills at the same time. With this plan, you will only 
focus on 3 skills to see improvement after one month of completing your curriculum. Start by deciding 
on 3 skills you want to improve to the fullest.

English Speaking course in chandigarh

Here’s a list of ideas:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing
  • Pronunciation
  • Speaking Fluency
  • Speaking Faster
  • Comprehending Fast English
  • Sounding More ‘Native’ or Natural when speaking

Finding techniques and resources

Now that you know what skills you want to improve, you need to find techniques and resources to 
help you use and develop the skills.

Here we have few skills who will help you to learn English speaking Easily:  

Speaking Fluency Strategy and Activity

Sara needs to find a technique or activity to practice her fluency in speech. She can write well, but 
she is not happy with her ability to speak without stopping to think.
He decides to try a speech fluency technique he found on our website at Real English Conversations. 
The activity suggests that you find a story, a video or an audio to study and then try to speak out loud 
about it. The key to fluency is to repeat your answer at least 3 times. You can read the full article that 
explains the fluency exercise to speak here.
Try to watch videos on youtube so you can finds interesting channels with ‘Top 10’ videos like the 
one below.  Try to watch the video after each segment and try to explain what the video was talking 
about 3 times.

Listening Comprehension Activity

To practice listening comprehension, you need to have transcripts with audio or videos with subtitles. 
She will use the transcripts of the conversations we have available. Whenever he can not understand
 the audio perfectly, he will rewind it and listen again. Sara identified her listening problems in this 
article on how to improve listening skills.

Vocabulary Building

Sara took English classes for many years and knows that the vocabulary she learned is different
 from the one used by English speakers in everyday life. You will study the transcriptions of our lesson 
Conversation in real English to find everyday vocabulary and look for phrases that are used to pause
 while thinking.       

To Learn more techniques for learning English through English Speaking Course in Chandigarh.   

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Importance of English Speaking

Importance of English 

The importance of English: although the English language does not have the largest number 

of native speakers all around the world, it has the extensive reach of any language that is

 spoken today. Native and second language speakers are found on all continents, and 

English has become the lingua franca in many fields, including business, politics, science, 

technology and entertainment, to name a few.English is the working language of many

 international organizations, and is the language of global advertising. It is also the most 

widely used language of the Internet, since it represents more than half of all websites.

 For many people, learning English is a way to get access to a wider range of information, 

connections and opportunities. The importance of English is clear.


English Speaking Course in Chandigarh

 Reasons why learning English is so important

English is the language of science, navigation, computers, diplomacy and tourism. Knowing
 English increases your chances of earning a good job in a Continental company within your 
home country or to find work abroad. It is also the language of international communication,
 the media and the Internet, so learning English is important for civilization and entertainment, 
as well as for work.Here we have some points that will tell you the reasons for doing  
English Speaking Course in Chandigarh.

Let’s have a look on the reasons why studying English is so important:

1. English is the Language of International Communication

English may not be the most spoken language all over the world, but it is the official language
 of 53 countries and 400 million people speak  english all around the world. Speaking English
 is not only being able to communicate with native speakers of English, it is the second 
most common language in the world. If you want to speak with someone from another 
country, it is likely that both speak English to do so.

2. English is the Language of Business

English is the assertive business language and has become almost a essential for people
 to speak English if they wish to enter a global workforce.Research around the world 
shows that cross-border business assistance is most often done in English and many 
international companies assume that employees dominate English.

3. Speaking English gives you a focus towards a world of 


Many of the best movies, books and music in the world are published and produced 
in English. Therefore, when learning English, you will have access to a large amount of
 entertainment and may have a greater cultural understanding.
If you speak English, you will no longer have to rely on translations and subtitles to enjoy
 your favorite books, songs, movies and TV shows. Watching movies and TV shows in
 English is also an excellent and fun way to learn it.
At ELC we encourage students to cooperate in the social program to practice English 
outside of a classroom environment. Activities include watching popular English films,
 sports, art galleries, building, trips and expedition to local and historical areas. The
 program is arrange to encourage students to use and learn English in British culture.

4. Learning English gives you access to more of the Internet

According to an Education report, English is the language of the Internet that is 
estimated among 565 million people use the Internet every day, and approximately 
52 percent of the world's most visited websites are shown in English.
Learning English is important because it gives you access to more than half of the 
comfortable on the Internet. Knowing how to read English will allow you to access 
billions of pages of information that would otherwise not be available!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Improve speaking skills

Improve speaking skills


This article examines the various circumstances under which the ability to speak 
in the infant and adult learners develops. We will look at features or difficulties
 in both the cases to focus on the real potential of adults to develop a higher
 level. Proficiency. We will see the role of the teacher in improving the skills 
of the learners, the need to improve the features of oral communication, and
 what strategies can be used to overcome the difficulties from English speaking 
course in Chandigarh .Key Words: Speaking Skills, Adult Education, Oral
 Communication, Teaching Strategies.

English Speaking Course in Chandigarh

Surround yourself with the English language

In you life many way to improve your English speaking skills is to immerse yourself in 
English as much as possible. Watch movies or TV in English, and learn English speaking
 course in chandigarh. if you need them with subtitles, and watch the same program again 
and again. Most people find that they understand more often every time. Listening helps 
you to get acquainted with the rhythm and tone of English. Once the sounds are familiar,
 try copying them

Read aloud

Reading aloud is a great way to practice English speaking when no conversation 
partners are available. Reading loudly gives you an opportunity to concentrate 
on pronunciation and pacing without worrying about coming up with words. Be
 sure to practice with content that you can understand.Some students find 
videos online that contain tape. For example, many TED talks are included 
in the word scripts for word-word. By reading aloud from the transcript, you 
can check your pronunciation by listening to the speaker how to say something

If we think about the time in our life when we had learned to speak our first 
language, and that moment .We have started making a lot of efforts to speak 
our second / foreign language, from which we find significant differences. In
 the former case, we may remember what our parents told us;And later, it 
suddenly becomes A disappointing experience that brings incomplete results.
 For adults, learning to speak a new language is satisfying in many cases,
 because they feel that they have to face many different aspects at one time,
 and it seems impossible in actual conversation.

Level of speaking skills in adults; I wonder if it is possible for adult learners to
 improve themselves speaking skills, and the most important thing for teachers:

To reach a conclusion we have to first consider the question whether to learn
 to learn in infancy Different from learning in adulthood; The conditions that 
separate them and if those conditions are essentially clear and frustrating 
results. Keeping in mind only what we can expect from a particular type of
 learner, we can concentrate on improving their speaking skills.

It is clear that there are marked differences between children learning and 
adult learners and they Can not acquire second language in similar 
circumstances. As a result, the results will also be different. Regarding 
children and early age, on which they learn to speak, we can say that they 
enjoy some of the benefits that make them an excellent learner. Due to
 optimum time. There are amazing linguistic abilities in which they find 
themselves to learn the language, it is to say that at this time their brain
 has a certain plasticity characteristic that allows some abilities to be 
easily developed during the period of time.

English speaking Course in Chandigarh

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How to Improve English Listening Skills

How to Improve English Listening Skills

A surprising number of people have problems with their English listening skills ... or any language
 they are learning.I am definitely one of them.For me, listening was not natural and I did not realize
 that I had a problem until I reached an intermediate level in my target language. I want to share 
with you the biggest mistake I think I could be making when it comes to improving your English 
listening skills faster so you can finally start enjoying movies, TV shows or even native speakers 
in a daily conversation in English.
English speaking Course in Chandigarh

You’ve Gotta Go Deeper!

If you have been on our website, you will know that we have a very popular podcast that offers 
informal conversations in English on different topics. Great for the practice of listening to English,
 right? Our listeners are making a serious mistake with their good intentions to improve their 
listening skills in English ... they just are not deep enough to really make a difference in their
 listening skills. I know that most English students like to listen to an audio once or twice, then
 move on to something else that is new and exciting.
Your ears still can not hear the words and phrases you did not recognize the first time and you 
still do not know the words you could not hear. Your listening skills will improve to the rhythm of
 a snail (very slow) if this is your plan of action to improve your listening.
Trust me, there is a faster way and you do not need to listen to the same audio 100 times to see 
great results.

Training to Improve English Listening Skills

Relying on subtitles and transcripts reminds me of a deaf person watching a movie. The difference 
is that you CAN listen and you have the ability to understand the film without subtitles with a little 
training, but a deaf person will still need the subtitles. You have an option to change your listening 
problem is my point.With a little work and focus, you can improve your listening skills to the point
 where you can really enjoy the audio in English without the scripts, even if you need them for now.
 Reading while listening is twice as much work and half as fun. When you have weak auditory skills,
 transcriptions are a key part of your auditory training. Especially if you do not have a native speaker 
on hand to tell you every second word you can not hear .The fact is that you can not hear the 
words. Speaking from personal experience, listening to the same audio clip 100 times does not 
help me. In any case, my brain gets more confused trying to guess what the hell I'm listening to!

Take Your Listening Deeper

Imagine that you are listening to a conversation in English and that you can only understand 50%
 the first time. It seems that you have a general idea about the subject, but you doubt your 
understanding and have a little doubt in explaining what the conversation is about to another person. 
You may have difficulty remembering what you have just heard as well.
After listening a second time, you feel that you know approximately 60 or 70%. Which is great, you 
saw some improvements without a transcript!
But ... why is that another 30% not important to you? You've already heard the audio twice and you 
only saw a small improvement. Every time you listen without the tools you need, you will see fewer
 improvements every time.
  • The 30% who ignore or can not hear is:
  • Unknown sounds that your brain is still filtering as "not important"
  • Grammar that you can not understand at the speed of speech
  • And an adjustment to the new accent of the person who is listening.
Get More knowledge about learning English speaking Course in Chandigarh provided by 
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