Saturday, June 16, 2018

English Grammar Rules That Anyone in Business Should Understand

English Grammar Rules That Anyone in 

Business Should Understand

The passive voice is used to shift the focus from the person doing the action

 to the action itself.

The rule:
The passive voice is formed with the verb to be and the third form (past participle) of the main verb.
The verb to be is used in the time we want to have in prayer, whether past, present, future or 
something else.
In the end, we can add the person who completed the action, if necessary.

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How to use this rule in business:
You can use the passive voice when you want to focus on an action instead of the person 
performing the action.If any one tells a problem, you can use the passive voice to avoid blaming a 
single person for the problem. You can also use the passive voice when it is not important to know 
who performed the action, when a group completed the action as a whole or when you want things
 to sound more formal.
When we are being formal, we are less personal, so it does not always make sense to insist on who
 did what.

Modal verbs are used to add meaning to the action of the main verb.

The rule:
Modal verbs are words like may, might, can, could, shall, should, will, would and must.
They are used together with another verb to add more meaning to it. Modal verbs do not appear in the 
third person of the singular, as with many verbs . They can not be used in the future or in the past. 
You can form the negative version of them by simply adding no. The meanings that can be added 
through the use of modal verbs are:
  • Possibility
When expressing possibility, may is used for stronger possibility than might.
Can is used to make general statements about what’s possible. Could is the past tense of  
can, and it can also be used to say that something is possible.
  • Impossibility
The negative of can  is used to express impossibility in the present and could be used to 
express it in the past.
  • Probability
We use must to express certainty about the present and must have for the past. We use 
should express high probability in the present and should have for the past.
  • Ability
We use the can to express someone's ability or abilities in the present and we could do it 
in the past. It could have been used when someone had the opportunity to do something, 
but he did not.
  • Permission
We use the can to express the permission. Could and can are more formal.
  • Requests
We use can and will when we ask people to do something for us, and we could and would 
want to when we want to be more formal and educated.
  • Suggestions
We use could and should to offer suggestions and advice.
  • Necessity
We use must for the present and future and had to for the past.

How to use this rule in business:
Every time you have an option, go with the most educated and formal modal verb. For example,
 when you ask someone to do something for you, say:
Could you…? instead of Can you…?
Would you…? instead of Will you…?
Also, when asking for permission, you can be more polite by using May I…? instead of Can I…?

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to enhance their personality.

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