Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Methods for Improving Your Spoken English

Methods for Improving Your Spoken English

1. Think in English.

Sometimes, the adversity of speaking in a new language is not the language itself, but how you 
think about it.If you think about your mother voice and then try to speak English, you will always
 have to translate between languages. Translating is not easy to do! Even people who are fluent
 in two or more languages have trouble switching languages.

English Speaking Courses in Chandigarh

The solution is to think in English.
You can do this anywhere, at any time. Try using English when you are thinking about your day or 
when you are trying to decide what food to order. Even try to use a dictionary from English to 
English to search for words. That way, you will never have to use your mother tongue and 
translate words. You will notice that when you think in English, it is easier for you to speak in English.

2. Talk to yourself.

When you are at home, you can method your English with your favorite person: yourself.
If you are already thinking in English, try to express your thoughts out loud. Read aloud, too. The 
practice is practical, and even if you do not have anyone to correct your mistakes, only the act 
of speaking aloud will help you to feel more comfortable speaking in English.

3. Use a mirror.

Whenever you can, take a few minutes of your day to stand in front of the mirror and talk. Choose 
a theme, set a timer for 2 or 3 minutes and just talk.The objective of this exercise is to observe 
your mouth, face and body language while speaking. It also makes you feel like you are talking 
to someone, so you can pretend that you are having a conversation with a study partner.

4. Focus on fluency, not grammar.

The more you stop, the less sure you will be and the less comfortable you will feel. This could 
mean that your sentences will not be grammatically perfect, and that's fine! If you focus on 
speaking fluently besides of doing it correctly, you will be accepted and sound better. You can 
complete the correct grammar and word rules as you learn them better.

5. Listen and repeat.

Do you watch TV shows or YouTube videos in English? Use them to improve your fluency. Choose 
a brief part of a show and replay it line by line. Try to match the inflection, speed and even the accent .
 It does not matter if you lose some words, the important thing is to keep talking. Try to sound like 
the native speakers of the program.

6. Pay attention to stressed sounds.

English uses stress in words and sentences. That means you will need to assert or emphasize 
positive words and syllables  to give the words and decision different meanings.
Listen to where native speakers emphasize when they speak. Try repeating it in the same way.
This will not only help you speak well, it could even reduce misunderstandings. Sometimes putting 
the emphasis on the wrong syllable completely changes the word. The word ADdress, for example,
 is not the same as the word adDRESS. ADdress refers to a physical location where someone
 lives, and ADDRESS means formally speaking with a group of people.
Learn to hear the difference!

English Speaking course in Chandigarh is the best place to learn Speaking English with Confidence.

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